The Puppet Shop – new online novel

The Puppet Shop is a new serialised, non-linear novel by Neuromantic Press author Alexander King.

Published online, one chapter every Saturday, the chapters can be read in any order. Interested readers can subscribe to receive email updates upon each chapter being published.

Once complete, the plan is to compile the book into a paperback format and make physical copies available.

New novel from Alexander King – “She Only Boots For Me”

Neuromantic Press are proud to announce the release of a new novel from author Alexander King (“It Looks Like You’re Writing a Letter”). Set in the same universe but at a different time, the book follows Bravilor Bonamat, a ‘Pit Kid’ in Little London, as he tries to navigate a tangled criminal underworld revolving around the shipment of human cargo.

Fast-moving, surprising and breathtakingly energetic, “She Only Boots For Me” will appeal to fans of Philip K Dick, William Gibson, Tom Robbins and Raymond Chandler.

Please visit the shop to order a signed copy from Neuromantic Press directly, both the ebook and paperback are available.

“It Looks Like You’re Writing a Letter” – paperback pre-orders now available

We are proud to announce that “It Looks Like You’re Writing a Letter” – the debut science fiction/thriller novel from Alexander King, will very shortly be available to buy in paperback.

Published in September 2014, and previously only available in ebook format, public demand has been such that a paperback version is viable.

If bought directly from this website, each copy will be signed by the author.

The price is £6.99 per copy, with £1.99 delivery anywhere in the world. It is expected orders will ship from the 5th December 2014.